Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Orly Taits

Who is this broad and what is she doing on my TV? I cannot stand her ass and I want her to go away. Far away, like to Pluto or something. I want her farting dark matter on the edge of space. What I cannot believe is that the rightwing in America bought her brand of ignorant bliss.

How Orly ended up on the world stage we'll never understand. The problem now is how to get rid of her ass. The rightwing crated this problem and now they need to get rid of it. It's not fair to say that Orly took over the rightwing, because there wasn't anyone in control. The rightwing is a car without a driver doing 90 towards a cliff. Drivers come and go, usually those with the loudest voice but none actually have the wherewithal to steer clear of the looming disaster.

I really don't care mind you because apparently the Democrats will end up being the new conservative party and a new Liberal party will take up the void.

Orly Taits, that cook, that queen of all cooks far and wide. That's what is on my mind today.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I made Gold Medallion on Delta this Week

On one hand I'm proud of my accomplishment. Why? Because it is dang hard to get medallion status on Delta. On the other hand, I HATE TRAVELING! Seriously, I hate it. My body hurts, I'm not young and hot like I used to be. Travel is DRUDGERY, the only fun is getting totally LIT in the airport bar before my flight home on Thursday nights. Unfortunately the waitresses in the bar now carry charts on how much to serve by weight so we don't all get on the flight drunk out of our minds.

The only light @ the end of this dark ass tunnel is that I get upgrades and well, there are free drinks in first.

Cheers beeotches!

Monday, September 21, 2009

So, who is still saying that Fox is Fair and Balanced?

Wow. I guess Faux had the video pulled.

How fair and balanced is that?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Women in High Heeled Shoes @ the Airport

WHY FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD AND JEEBUS do you make us watch you tiptoe in pain? Why? Why? Why? You look desparate. Like a golddigger lookin for a hole. Put on sensable shoes ladies!
-- Posted from my iPhone.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I know I know

Dang I gotta remember to post more. I'm on me flight to ATL.

But this weekend I have shit to say. Peace out till then.

-- Posted from my iPhone.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Power Texting on AT&T - This is how you do it

1. You are going to create ten contacts in your cell phone (Adam1, Adam2, Adam3, etc.).
2. Create a contact group (also known as a distribution list) and name it something like “Adam For The Win” and add your contacts (Adam1, Adam2, etc.) to the group. If you don’t know how to do that, check the manual for your phone or go to the AT&T Support Site
3. Add the voting number for Adam (570x) to each of the contacts. At this point Adam has two numbers, but you can ONLY text to the FIRST number (Adam’s performance order number). Do this during the show before the voting starts.
4. At the end of the show, send the message “vote” to your “Adam for the Win” contact group. This sends the message to the ten contacts at once. It will take a couple of seconds more than sending a single contact.
5. Now, resend or forward the same message to your contract group over and over for the next two hours.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Jellyfish

Cool new species of jellyfish. WOW. Can you imagine how many other cool ass things we've missed because we haven't taken care of our planet?

Full story here @ Nat'l Geo

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


That Blanket. YIKES

The New Lenovo Yoga Pocket PC

I'll take two please. Thanks bai.

Health scare of the week: Do antidepressants kill love?

Single people who take antidepressants such as Prozac and Zoloft may be depressing their chances of falling in love, according to a new theory. Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher and psychiatrist James Thomson, who specialize in studies of romantic attachment, say they’ve seen evidence that antidepressants alter brain chemistry in a way that minimizes the chance a person can fall in love or feel strong romantic attachment. Antidepressants called SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) lift mood by increasing the concentration of serotonin between nerves in the brain. But SSRIs also decrease levels of dopamine, a pleasure chemical that has a key role in the brain’s love and sex pathways. Research has shown that these medications suppress sexual desire in many people, and a recent study found that they even led women to rate photos of handsome men as less attractive. Thomson believes that there are many antidepressant users out there whose feelings for new dates or for long-term lovers have been dulled by their pills. “There are all sorts of unconscious systems in our brain that we use to negotiate romantic love and romantic attraction,” Thomson tells “If these drugs cause conscious sexual side effects, we’d argue that there are going to be side effects that are not conscious.”

Source - The Week

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Warrantless wiretapping in place before 9/11.

Today, the Washington Post publishes additional details about the Bush administration’s warrantless wiretapping, noting that the National Security Agency approached Qwest “more than six months before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.” But the Body Politik’s Igor Volsky points out that President Bush has claimed that the program was put in place in response to 9/11:

After September the 11th, I vowed to the American people that our government would do everything within the law to protect them against another terrorist attack. As part of this effort, I authorized the National Security Agency to intercept the international communications of people with known links to al Qaeda and related terrorist organizations.

Kagro X adds, “If Qwest’s competitors were already abetting this bloodless(?) coup before 9/11, then the ‘administration’s’ domestic spying not only has little if anything to do with response to terrorism, but it also objectively failed to prevent 9/11.”

Read it here

Friday, March 13, 2009


My legs give me superpowers.


Daft Punk Najle

If you love Daft Punk you must play with this; because it is stronger, faster, better, harder...

Click here to access the site.

Ann Coulter Signs Books in University Bathroom

The photo of Coulter, shot by The Greenville News' Heidi Heilbrunn, alludes to a less-than-luxurious accommodation for Coulter as she greeted speech attendees and offered her autograph.

Syndicated columnist, right-wing pundit and New York Times best-selling author Ann Coulter found herself surrounded by hand soap, mirrors, porcelain and running water during a recent book signing.


Coulter, hosted by Furman University's Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow, gave her Wednesday address, entitled "Liberals are Wrong About Everything," to a crowd of 1,800 at the university's McAlister Auditorium.

Link to full story @

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Racism, in Texas. SHUTCHO MOUTH

Highway robbery? Texas police seize black motorists' cash, cars
Suit says cops force motorists, largely black, to forfeit cash and cars—or be charged with trumped-up crimes. By Howard Witt a Tribune correspondent March 10, 2009

---Note from Xultar---(NEGROES - AVOID TENAHA @ All Costs...(I want you to make it to your destination.))---

TENAHA, Texas— You can drive into this dusty fleck of a town near the Texas-Louisiana border if you're African-American, but you might not be able to drive out of it—at least not with your car, your cash, your jewelry or other valuables.

That's because the police here allegedly have found a way to strip motorists, many of them black, of their property without ever charging them with a crime. Instead they offer out-of-towners a grim choice: voluntarily sign over your belongings to the town, or face felony charges of money laundering or other serious crimes.

More than 140 people reluctantly accepted that deal from June 2006 to June 2008, according to court records. Among them were a black grandmother from Akron, who surrendered $4,000 in cash after Tenaha police pulled her over, and an interracial couple from Houston, who gave up more than $6,000 after police threatened to seize their children and put them into foster care, the court documents show. Neither the grandmother nor the couple were charged with any crime.

Officials in Tenaha, situated along a heavily traveled highway connecting Houston with popular gambling destinations in Louisiana, say they are engaged in a battle against drug trafficking and call the search-and-seizure practice a legitimate use of the state's asset-forfeiture law. That law permits local police agencies to keep drug money and other property used in the commission of a crime and add the proceeds to their budgets.

Click this link to read the rest of the sorry shit.

PAGING DARWIN - Woman Injured in Power Tool Sex Toy Encounter

LEXINGTON PARK, Md. -- Some sexual experimentation landed a southern Maryland woman in a hospital with injuries tough to imagine and even more difficult to forget.

The man who called 911 about the incident admitted attaching the sex toy to the saw and then using the high-powered, homemade device on his partner, according to the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office.

The saw cut through the plastic toy and wounded the woman, according to The injuries were severe enough for medevac, but the woman was released from the hospital Monday and is recovering from her unusual injuries.

Investigators talked to the woman, who told them she suffered the injuries during a consensual act and that she and her partner were trying something new, the sheriff's office said.

Link to the original horror story.

I'm totally in love with these hot ass Memaws!

These hot Memaws are from the loud an clear commercials. I just can't get enough!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If u don't hengs out @ LOLCats u Stupit

Man Rescued from Latrine-YUCK

You could call it a new version of "the road less traveled."

Filer emergency crews retrieved an unidentified Ada County man from a rest area toilet Thursday afternoon, after he climbed into a waste tank and became stuck.

The man was found just before noon by another driver that stopped at the U.S. Highway 30 rest area west of town, according to Filer Police Chief Cliff Johnson. Filer police responded to a 911 call, along with the Filer Fire Department, Filer Quick Response and a paramedic from St. Luke's Magic Valley Medical Center.

Johnson said the man, who asked police not to be identified, was unable to find his car keys after using the lavatory. Thinking his keys had fallen in the tank, the man removed a round plastic cover at the base of the toilet and climbed in to find them. Once inside he was unable to pull himself out, and waited until someone else arrived.

"He hadn't been there too long, only 10 or 15 minutes," Johnson said.

At least 10 emergency response personnel responded to the 911 call, according to Johnson and a dispatch supervisor at Southern Idaho Regional Communication Center.

Eventually the man was retrieved through an access hole used to pump the waste out of the tank.

"It took some lifting to get him out, and he had cut himself pretty good trying to get himself out," Johnson said.

The man was allowed to wash off with the fire truck hose at the scene, where he made another painful discovery.

"That's when he discovered the keys were still in his back pocket," Johnson said.

Link to full story

Saturday, February 14, 2009

End of Rainbow Found

Read the rest of the story here @ the Telegraph UK: Link

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

From WM to iPhone, One Sistah's Journey

I've used WM since it was WindowsCE folks. I'm not asshamed to admit that I had the first Apple Newton. I've also never owned a Palm. I've been pretty true to WM and what they were trying to do. But I got fed up with all the restrictions on th OS and the fact that they wouldn't upgrade devices...and that we wouldn't be getting the new version of Pocket Internet Explorer on exsisting devices (includes the Fuze). So I decided to go iPhone recently.

I'm a gadget-a-holic I'd like to say I'm an expert but I'm not.

So, how do I like the iPhone?

Well, um, it's OK. I'm not WOWed by it. I don't see it as a revolution. I think people like the web capabilties of it mainly because Apple didn't allow AT&T to strangle it to death with it's own version of the Web aka (MediaNet. Having access to the REAL web (in most instances) is very cool. I've noticed however, that some sites see the phone and present me with a mobile version of their site which is nice when it is all content and no ads but when it is watered down it is a waste of time. Bottom line the iPhone is more of a net phone than a smartphone. Want to see my thoughts...keep on reading below.

Let's see, oh, this one-app-at-a-time thing.

OMG that is a huge let down. I think that is where WM failed in some respects, WM wanted proceses running in the background. I think if more people knew what WM was doing they wouldn't be WOWed by the supposed stability of the iPhone. I don't find the iPhone stable, I find it managing what little resources it has wisely by not allowing users to multitask. Having to go back to the home screen to me is a step backwards coming from the WM platform, it is kindergardenish @ best. I should be able to listen to Pandora and play a game, should I not? I don't think that is to much for a sistah to ask.


OMG..WORST EVER. Nuff said.

The App Store, my, addiction continues.

I've always been addicted to applications. I had a Tilt cramed with applications and an 8gb card cramed with stuff. The App store was a let down because I found it difficult to spend my dough on useful stuff. I'm looking for a better note pad app. I'm also looking for an app that allows searching and dialing using contact photos. To be honest I'm shocked the iPhone didn't come with that. But digress, I'm shocked that people say the App store is so strict because I see almost nothing useful. I actually found myself repurchasing or trying to replace my favorite WM stuff and all I ended up with was...eWallet, Tetris, Sudoku, and Bejeweled 2. But I'm gonna give it a rest because like with any new platform...if they build it...I will come (and purchase the app.)


I have some kickin ringtones, I use Mission Impossible for my dad. Now, I cannot I hear that he's calling so I know not to hit my bluetooth to answer? Didn't know you couldn't use your own MP3s as ringtones. That's nutz because I've made a ton from iTunes that I've purchased. Now I have to repurchase to use them. That's crazy people.

What do I like about it?

It's pretty. I love that. The WEB is kickin. i Can Has Cheezburger app!!! Best App in my opinion. AT&T has created an iPhone friendly AT&T Remote Monitoring site. It is awesome. Pandora...AWESOME that you can buy the iTunes directly from the phone...but the fact that you can't do it through 3G...stinks but I understand. I guess. It'd be nicer if they let you buy it and then download once you hit WiFi or sync.

Conclusion, I can't see why people waited in line out side for this thing for days. I mean it is pretty and all don't get me wrong but there has to be more than that, correct? I don't see where it changes the game. But, I'm just me and I could be tell me in your replies below.


Monday, February 2, 2009

America Left on XM SUCKS Big Sweaty Donkey Balls

There I said it.

XM should be spanked HARD for trying to destroy progressive radio.

Nuff said.